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Website Maintenance

Your Website is Our Business

Keep your website updated and fresh

Website Maintenance Services

Website maintenance is great for keeping your website up-to-date, but it can also be used to integrate new features, enhancing your website's functionality and making it more interactive.

Below Are Some Common Website Maintenance Services That Could Enhance Your Website:

  • Add articles to your website

    Our website maintenance services make it easy to add articles to your website.
    Keeping your visitors up to date with what's happening in your business is important.
    Adding articles of interest to keep visitors coming back is a great way of keeping content fresh, showing visitors your website is a rich source of relevant information.

  • Add a blog to your website

    Our website maintenance services make it easy to add a blog to your website.
    Keeping your website interactive is a great way to get visitors to return to your website.
    Blogs allow you to create articles that relate to your business and allows visitors to make comments or posts, keeping your website active and fresh with online conversations.

  • Add articles to your website

    Our website maintenance services make it easy to add articles to your website.
    Keeping your visitors up to date with what's happening in your business is important.
    Adding articles of interest to keep visitors coming back is a great way of keeping content fresh, showing visitors your website is a rich source of relevant information.

  • Add a Facebook Like button to your website

    Our website maintenance services make it easy to add a facebook like button to your website.

    Having a Facebook Like button can help increase interactivity on your website, which may also display in the person's Facebook newsfeed, making their activity on your website visible to their friends.

    Other Facebook social plugins include:

    • add the Facebook icon to your website, which links to your Facebook page
    • add a Facebook feed, showing your Facebook posts
    • add a Facebook comments plugin, which allows visitors to comment on your website's content
  • Add a Facebook Social Plugin to your website

    Our website maintenance services make it easy to add a facebook social plugin to your website.

    Having links to social media can help increase traffic and interactivity on your website. Facebook social plugins vary depending on how interactive you're looking to make your website.

    We can help you:

    • add the Facebook icon to your website, which links to your Facebook page
    • add the Facebook 'Like' button to your website
    • add a Facebook feed, showing your Facebook posts
    • add a Facebook comments plugin, which allows visitors to comment on your website's content
  • Add a form to my website

    Our website maintenance services make it easy to add a form to your website.

    Getting visitors to make contact with you can be easier when you provide them with a form. This way, you are helping the visitor to provide you with the exact information you require to complete their enquiry.

    Forms can also be more complex and interactive. An order form may include a calculator so when the visitor has selected their items, the form automatically does any required calculations.

    Receiving files from visitors to your website is also easily done with forms. A visitor might want to send you their resume or artwork. This allows you to receive it as well as the information you have asked from them.

  • Add a forum to my website

    Our website maintenance services make it easy to add a forum to your website.

    Keeping your website interactive is a great way to get visitors to return to your website.

    A forum is a common way to create an online community, allowing visitors to discuss topics that relate to your business.

  • Add Google Analytics to your website

    Our website maintenance services make it easy to add google analytics to your website.

    Take advantage of Google's free analytics tracking code. This will give you insight about how your visitors behave and what actions they have taken.

    This data can then help you determine your website's strengths and weaknesses, as well as the effectiveness of marketing activites.

  • Add a login area to your website

    Our website maintenance services make it easy to add a login area to your website.

    Having an area that only registered users can visit allows you to provide extra services in exchange for user information.

    This is a common way to build a customer database, rewarding users for registering by providing useful information, resources or incentives.

    Allowing existing customers to have a login can also be useful for letting customers manage their own information, such as their postal details or phone numbers and email addresses.

    Transaction history can also be built into a login area which allows your customers to see what transactions they've conducted with your business.

  • Add a map to your website

    Our website maintenance services make it easy to add a map to your website.

    Using maps to show locations is fast becoming a useful tool for users on the internet.

    Maps can easily be added to your website using third party resources.

    You can also use maps for more complicated purposes, like to demonstrate multiple locations and have text or images linked to those locations.

  • Make your website mobile-friendly

    Our website maintenance services make it easy to make your website mobile-friendly.

    Mobile-friendly websites never used to be considered when building a website back in the day, but with smartphones becoming so popular and providing rich internet browsing, mobile internet usage has increased dramatically, and it can no longer be ignored.

    We can convert your regular desktop website into a mobile-friendly version, depending on how your website was built originally. This means your desktop version stays the same, but your website will display in a user-friendly way on other devices.

    Whether your current website is a CMS (content management system) like Joomla or WordPress, or a plain HTML or PHP coded website, we can find a solution to get you up to date.

  • Add a new page to your website

    Our website maintenance services make it easy to add a new page to your website.

    If your business is growing, it's likely your website will need to as well.

    Adding new pages, sections, navigation buttons, sub-menus or other items onto your website to aocommodate new information is the best way to ensure it's displayed correctly and is easily accessible to visitors.

  • Add online payments to your website

    Our website maintenance services make it easy to add online payments to your website.

    Increase sales and customer satisfaction by selling your products and/or services directly from your website. The online economy is constantly growing, so don't miss out on website visitors who want to make their purchase on your website.

    We can set up your online payment system, allowing you to accept payments online. There are many payment gateway options available, so let us help you find the one that fits your needs best.

  • Add a payment gateway to your website

    Our website maintenance services make it easy to add a payment gateway to your website.

    The online economy is constantly growing, so make sure your website visitors can make their purchase directly on your website. This is a great way to increase sales and customer satisfaction, plus it creates a new channel for your business to derive income from.

    We can set up your payment gateway, allowing you to accept payments online. There are many online payment options available, so let us help you find the one that suits you best.